(1) in the case of an onshore well:(a) be protected by a double wall shelter made of nonflammable materials and giving access to the well by the opening of a removable section of the roof or by moving a removable section of the shelter, or be protected with a 2.5-m fence surmounted by a 30-cm top made up of 3 twisted barbed wires. The fence must be of 9-calibre galvanized wire with openings not exceeding 6 cm on a side, and enclosing a protective perimeter of at least 12 m, with corner posts of 9-cm galvanized steel anchored in concrete to a depth of not less than 1.2 m;
(b) be identified by a sign affixed to the fence indicating the name of the producer, the production lease number, and the name and the number of the well designated by the Minister;